Sunday, September 18, 2011

Color makes the world a little more, well, colorful!

I love the concept behind this...
when I see my concept of color, do you see the same color as I do?
A girl is interviewed who only sees only in black &! So thankful for my colorful world, counting my blessings 8)

People with beautiful eyes and skin combinations-youtube

Amazing to see all of the beautiful combinations of people in the world...fascinating to watch!!!

All photos taken at my MIL's home in Bandon  OR

This is a fun test to take...I actually took it twice and the first time I took it I scored a 3, the second time a 4. If you take it, please post your results so I can see how you did and if you liked the test as much as I did!!!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

It does the soul good...

It does the soul good to get away every so often...

and to try to make sense of it all... count your lucky stars and to know that you have been blessed beyond measure... make new friends...

...and find beauty everywhere... find treasures for your pockets...

...and leave a few memories behind...

...goodbye beach, see you next Summer!