Monday, January 17, 2011

vintage baby baby book

While I was doing more cleaning yesterday, I happened on a box in the garage that had some of my Mother's belongings in it.  She has passed away almost two years ago and there were a few things that I brought home from her house that I still hadn't gone through.
Not sure what was inside when I opened the box, I found my baby book and first baby booties (above). They are pink velvet and I am very surprised to see that the button eyes survived my baby-hood. I noticed though that I probably couldn't resist the pom-pom nose on the bootie on the right though! (grin)...

The most fascinating thing I found though was my Mom's Antique Autograph book from 1946, 

 I am amazed at all the preserved pieces of history between the pages of this book...I'll show you more of what is inside when I can get it photographed.
Hope your weekend was delightful...Happy Monday!


lovely thoughts